Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Declaration Of Consciousness

We have won! Consciousness has won a long war after so many battles through the history of humanity.” Thus began The Declaration ofConsciousness announcement delivered in London on December 21, 2012, as part of the European premiere of the movie, “3Magic Words.”The Declaration of Consciousness was drafted by eight people from different cultural backgrounds. Tapasyogi Nandi from India and Michael Perlin of the United States invited others they knew were involved in consciousness movements to meet together in Joshua Tree, California, in September 2012. Other co-writers included Melissa Athens, and Laura Fox of the United States; Vitaly Safarov and Bell Beatrice of the United Kingdom; and Gudni Gudnason of Japan. Together they wrote the manifesto and agreed on two ambitious goals: they want to gather ten million signatures and,secondly, they plan to present the document to the United Nations. The gathering of signatures began on the day of its announcement in London. The core founders of the document and those attending the ceremony signed at that time.The original Declaration of Consciousness was then placed in the world’s largest esoteric library, located in the Damanhur Community in the Piedmont area ofNorthern Italy.The Declaration has now been translated into 58 languages and is circulating worldwide. The public at large is invited and encouraged to add their support through signing electronically on the organization’s website. The Declaration of Consciousness is a call for all the people of earth to come together in love and unity. As part of this process, the document supports the following principles:•The settling of disputes based on inalienable universal human rights.

•Honoring the feminine.
•Respect for the elderly.
•The ending of all wars.
•Encouragement of love for all people regardless of their race, religion or culture.
•The protection of our planet through changes in energy systems.
•The reduction of consumption to avoid pollution.
•New systems of ecological and sustainable distribution of resources.
•The provision of benefits of the world’s resources more equally to all peoples.

Two historic documents served as starting points for the coalition who wrote The Declaration of Consciousness. The first was The Declaration of Rights enacted inEngland in 1689 to protect individuals and the parliament from the tyranny of the monarchy. Thomas Jefferson then referred to this document when he wrote theDeclaration of Independence in 1776. The momentum for recognition of basic human dignity has been building for over 300 years and the critical mass in the consciousness of humanity is rising. The time for action has arrived.The creators of the Declaration are dedicated to elevating the overall consciousness level worldwide. The movie,“3 Magic Words,” produced by the main author, Michael Perlin, lays some of that consciousness-raising groundwork. The documentary film is based on ancient mystical teachings and spirituality. Perlin explains that he was searching for something simple and easy to understand that would tie together all the spiritual teachings from all cultures. He feels that religion divides and spirituality unites. The movie is about self realization and using that power to change yourself and the world. Maura Hoffman, co-producer of the film,states, “The film is an experience. It invites you to ask yourself who you really are and to look at your purpose here.”Showings of “3 Magic Words” also offer opportunities for people to sign theDeclaration in person. The next presentation will be on August 15 at Sunrise Ranch inLoveland, Colorado, during their AriseFestival. Another showing is scheduled for the Bhakti Festival on September 5 in JoshuaTree, California. The film and Declaration then travel to Mumbai, India, on October 3. The Declaration of Consciousness is an Intent of Action. It is a powerful symbol of the consciousness of all humanity. The Declaration activates the adoption by the United Nations, the signatures of global leaders and of all peoples. It is a representation of all global consciousness movements. To read and sign the declaration:
by Dr. Phyllis K. Kennemer

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